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Company equity Code:692753

Guanhua strength

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Production Equipment

Professional Manufacturing\Lean Production 0MM*1000MM*300MM/300MM 國機鑄鍛 靜壓線 STATIC  PRESSURE LINE MM*1000M

It has four internationally advanced v-process casting production lines, one static pressure line molding line, three resin sand production lines, and one  clay sand production line , supporting the medium-frequency induction furnace from the INDUCTOTHERM GROUP, intelligent batching and feeding  system, and fully automatic hot metal transfer and pouring system; the post-treatment is equipped with automatic equipment such as fully closed  through-type shot blasting machine, fully automatic grinding robot, etc. each process is equipped with efficient environmental protection treatment  facilities, and the project is intelligent, efficient and green as a whole.  



               V-METHOD PRODUCTION LINE                                                                     RESIN SAND PRODUCTION LINE

Production Equipment

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